We are winning… thank you so much!
If you haven’t heard the news, we hit our goal of $3,500 on Kickstarter in seven days! We are beyond thrilled and grateful to all of those that have supported our project. This means we are able to move full speed ahead on our post-production and take the next steps to get our story out there in the world.
The rest of the year will be focused on editing, sound designing, scoring and all of the other elements vital to get us to a final cut by the middle of Q1 2020. In conjunction with that, we are going to work hard on finding a home for Bubbly Brown Sugar. We have met some amazing people over the past few months, that have given us great advice on how we should distribute our series, but we all know that God has the final say. 🙂
We will totally keep you posted on everything that happens along the way. The first thing we are planning to do for our backers, is to host an online watch party for those that selected that option. This way you can get a first look at what we’ve been sharing on the festival circuit the past few months. So stay tuned.
Stay Tuned For More Goodness
So the Bubbly Brown Sugar train is on the move again and it’s all thanks to our backers. Nothing great can be accomplished alone and we are thrilled about bringing a complete series to the forefront in the coming months.
In the meantime, please stay connected with us on Instagram or Facebook. We are always looking to connect and engage with like-minded souls. If life gets busy and we don’t “speak” before the holidays, have an amazing holiday season with your loved ones.